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1829 atentát fljétadlomdobulharska

01. 08. 2020

1829 atentát fljétadlomdobulharska

27.7.2020 7:27:27

jevelkáškoda, žeklasu 1827 somspýsalušpretfčerom, alefčérasmeboly sapendyxom, ktorýsanagymple pýsalsmekýmýčkom, fpabeuhvjésd adošjéltam dákyjehokemo nabycykly. mysmesrovýnkahovoryly vodajakychzaujúmavosťach, alekeťkemovoprol bycykolvostrom aprysadolsy, začalysmehovoryťvodačomynom. chvýlusmetedahovoryly votom apotemnaň apendyxpoložylvotásnik, kamsaletoschystá nadovolenku akemopovedal:


"asypoletímedobulharska - eslytedaprekonám mójvobrófskystrachsljétanija kvólyvátýmstrašydelnýmatentátam."


aapendyx muporadil:


"taksyzober vlastnúbombu - jeveľmyneprafdepodobné, žebysafjednomljétadlezošlydvaja aeštektemunesnámy atentátnicy."



1829 assassination by plane to bulgaria

it is a great pity that I wrote the cob of 1827 the day before yesterday, but yesterday we were with apendyx, who wrote with the mecca in the gym, in the pub by the stars and his friend on a bicycle came there thanks. we were just talking about some interesting things, but when a friend leaned his bike against a tree and sat down, we started talking about something else. So we talked about it for a while and then apendyx asked him a question about where he was going on vacation this year and a friend said:


"We will probably fly to Bulgaria - if I overcome my huge fear of flying quota with that haunting assassination."


and apendyx advised him:


"So get your own bomb - it's very unlikely that two planes and unknown assassins will meet in one plane."

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