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2006 vonlajnvýučba

25. 01. 2021

2006 vonlajnvýučba

20.1. 2021 8:51:58

apendyxmafčérarosprával, akonaprýklatprobýhala jehovonlajnvýučba f9ejtrjéde základnejškoly, kdemalyzaúkol grafyckézvečovanije danejúsečky:


"úsečku 8cm zvečfpomeru 5:4. ateť akotorýsujem, krokpokroku avonýtorýsujúsomnou. alejatosamozrejmenevydím, akovonito... alevonitovydija natom monytore, akotorobýmja. ateťakosmetorýsovaly takjapovedám:


notaktu úsečku ábé symusýtepredlllžyť, tenbot bésčjarkou musýbyť zatýmbodem bé, pretože mytu úsečkuzvečujeme, žeano. takže ábé a ábésčjarkou jetazvečená, akosmetopredlllžyly. taksmetonarýsovaly aterasto urobýmevýpočtem asmeryjame, čyvámtovyšlo. takže peťštvrtin, 10cm byvam malavyjýt tazvečená. ateťjednapovedá:


"mnevyšlo 9,9!"




"tojedobré, nepresnosť mylymeter jedobrá, tojefporjatku. enemeslyňjekomu nevyšladáka úplnáblbosť, mapovedzte!"








"nodanča, osem malatapóvodná úsečka, tá ábé. kolikmátazvečená?




počkaj, nemóžemyť tazvečená predsavosem. taksyasy túpóvodnú úsečku zlenarýsovala. syju urobyla asymenšý. zmerešteras tú úsečku ábé. tupóvodnú, túzadanú. kolykjumaš?










"nopočkaj, tenbot bésčjarkú musyšmať ašzatým bodom bé, nié?






"takakomóžemeryť tiešvosem?"


tákto jasasnimabavym. potemzjystila, žemeryla dačo úplneyného dákeúplneynéčjary. 


atáktoprobýhá tánašaslafná onlajnvýučba.


2006 online learning

apendyx told me yesterday, such as his online teaching in the 9th grade of elementary school, where their task was to graphically enlarge the line:


"increase the line by 8 cm in a ratio of 5: 4. and now as I draw it, step by step and they draw it with me. and now, as we have drawn, I will say:


well, you have to extend the line á bé, the point bé with the comma must be behind the point bé, because we enlarge the line, yes. so á bé and á bé with a comma is magnified as we extended it. so we drew it and now we'll do it by calculation and measure if it worked out for you. so five quarters, 10 cm, the enlarged one should come out. and now one says:


"9.9 came out!"


I will say:


"That's good, the millimeter inaccuracy is good, that's fine. Only if someone didn't get a complete stupid thing, tell me!"


and one girl:


"I came out eight."


and I say:


"Well, danka, the original line had eight, the one that.


at eight.


wait, she can't have the enlarged one after all. so she probably drew the original line badly. you probably made it smaller. measure that line á bé again. the original one, the one given. how much do you have




and enlarged here?


but also eight. "


and I say:


"Well wait, you have to have the point bé with the comma after that point bé, right?


I don't have that! "


and I say:


"So how can he measure eight?"


that's how I talk to them. then she found that she was measuring a completely different line from a completely different line.


and this is how our famous online teaching takes place.

1 názor

25. 01. 2021
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