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Night question marks

24. 08. 2024

What must we do?

Do we must talk or scream from the top of our lungs?

Do we have to dance when the music is on?

Can we just play pretend and sit silently?

What is the point of living when death is searching for lost souls and broken hearts?

Could we die if we burnt that hole in the heart with so much fire?

Can't these bridges rise up from ashes?

The violence is too much.

The lack of empathy is way too heavy for my shoulders.

I can barely walk, I can barely feel, I feel like I'm never opening my eyes again.

Last time I got of the bed, I felt back pain and that was all I could really feel.

I am empty.

I need to feel those holes within my soul with art.

I need to overdose on your stories and let you help me.

I need somebody who catches up the feathers and isn't afraid of dying alone.

I can die whenever the good Lord asks me to.

But clearly I have a mission to complete.

Let it begin, I am ready.

Just tell me the truth.

If I die, would you cry or would you smack me back to the beginning where I could barely breathe?

I hate and love you at the same time.

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