I just hopehours in theoceandepth look at thejourneythatI have not, I know mypatienceis verydetached fromeach other andthe vastness of aserenesunrise,I have nomore weaponsthan justrejoice inme ascalmlytoleratewaiting,forcesfeelthatonlyyou,make me happyas much asto feel calm, I can nottry to tell youthatwhen myheartis veryuncontrolledwithin you.
Awakeningnot want to waitjust togive you agood morning,in mydream are you,that withevery kissis justsoimaginemy lipsdesire, the desire toembracethegood fortune tohave you asme, theignoranceof not being ableshare themagicof your soulmosaicthatgivesa glow tomy darkness, wordsof inertprolongedthrillofappropriatevisions anda fragilesoulwho lovestheintenseagonywhichis onlyhappytearsat your side,of websdifferentfromyour green eyesisintenselovecould not be moreappropriateto your sidewithout theexpected messagejustloves you.
Sometimesthe adversitiesof life beginin a different waythat weusually spendthe day in thestreets, who cansay when theirony andcomedy ispart ofa story. My name isAliceandbecause I have16,one day I decidedto leave homeearlier thanusual,but hada dream thatwarnedmesomethingbut I never understoodthat. I went to theart gallery andI watchedthefascinatingstories of thosefamous painters,and Ithoughtmy mindbecause Ijustcould not do somethingfor which Idistinguishas well as writers, poets,among manythingsthat usually gothrough my mind. I walkedinto the cafeteriatotake aMokaccinoloveon the roadfelt like someoneto follow meturnaround three timesto look back,but could not getanyone,then Ihasa lady infront of me andgives mechancea clocknever said aword, but I thoughtshewould wantme totakeonbecause it was somethingunusual.
Distances Between
I can not wake
because mythinking
Díky za což mě žít
Mohumyslet jennavás
Stay single after sin
missing out of your body
not to belong,