Československá literární komunita

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just do it

25. 04. 2004

i tohle je mysleno jako eventuelni text k pisni ktera jeste neni napsana. a ani to neni tak stary, 2 mesice nebo tak.. jestli je to dokonceno take jeste presne nevim..

i'm gonna do it

(i'm gonna) do it soon

i'm gonna get up

and reach for the moon


reach for the stars

altough they're so far

but first i'll wait (here)

here where we are


we are in different rooms

but sitting on the same couch

communication never was

a topic here

i guess that i've never heard

any word you have thought

i know them all and i know the fear

12. 05. 2004
Dát tip
jojo, mate pravdu, toho v tom nazvu jsem si vsiml uz hned ze zacatku, ale jaksi nejsem schopny to znovu zeditovat...

10. 05. 2004
Dát tip
když už anglicky, tak bez chyb... please... :o

25. 04. 2004
Dát tip
communication never was a topic here**

"we are in different rooms but sitting on the same couch" t* ps: mas tam par chyb: "di it", miesto "first" by som pouzila prislovku "firstly", "guesS", "..that i'VE never heard..." :)

25. 04. 2004
Dát tip
No a já vím prd :o)))

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