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spare me the details

20. 12. 2005

komentare ve stylu \"nerozum anglicky\" nebo \"anglictina priklasluje\" si nechte pro sebe buzeranti. ..anywhere i go i just look for an excuse to get into fight..

i feel so low again, and you're not here, so i call and you ask me to hold on, so i ripped the piece of paper where you draw us two in love on and throw you away, no i won't need that number no more, though it's still in the can... in case, you know. and what is wrong with me, i came back home just to realize i don't have no home anymore. and all is gone, just bad memories and the good ones that are not real anymore and try to make my cry, like the aluminium foil chain on the chrismas tree, i probably made many years ago with my mom. now i can't even relate. and there's nowhere to go. then you call and say you love me and miss, but you don't know you missed for just about 15 min. just about 15 minutes ago i decided to not love you anymore, to withdraw all i wanted from you. and play you and love till i find someone better, cause i know it won't be you. and it made me cry, then i hear your voice and pretend everything's ok, you know nothing about me. we live togheter: i for the ease of it you for the love that's never really real. cause you're never here when i need you the most. and you never know and i don't blame you.. hold on.. i do. i filter my soul through you and make me feel better in the most selfish way, i hate you and love and miss and never want to see again and you don't see nothing of it, you ask what's wrong, but nothing's wrong.

20. 12. 2005
Dát tip
nerozumím anglicky, navíc angličtina strašně přikrášluje

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