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It's wet

16. 01. 2006

It’s wet


It’s soaking wet again outside

Of course you’d like to take a ride

Only one place is filled my dear

The other three are in need of a rear

The wet is cold and under the skin

But there is still a warm place within

So just hop in there, don’t question it

It’ll be good, you’ll learn the drift

I can see the doubt right on your face

It’ll be dry, if you don’t pick up the pace

It’s your decision, you can put down the mask

I think it’s better to know than not to ask

The hesitation is clearly holding you back

From biting the apple and taking this track

You have decided, I can see now

But I’m too stupid to figure out how

Two places are filled, good enough for me

Let’s just take off, and wonder where will it be.

moc hezký :)*

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