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29. 08. 2007

Inšpirované by Erykah Badu - You got me aj keď celkom odlišné :)

Baby believe me, one day I’ll tell ya all of my troubles and pains,

Baby thrust me one day I will,

But baby give me some time to grow,

Give me time, cause it’s only time my soul needs to glow,

I’ve passed through a lot of things,

My soul’s full of holes,

I know you’re the perfect,

But to thrust I must wait,

I’ve been everything,

I’ve been the hunter, the hunted,

I tried being bait.

Don’t wanna let you wait,

Nor be sad at nights,

Don’t wanna let you worrying,

Nor take over my frights.


I’m in a love with worries,

All though I want you to stay,

I’m in a love with worries,

And alone can’t get them away,

I’m in a love with worries,

Do not want them to stay,

I’m in a love with worries,

Don’t want them to fear you away!


I’ve been alone with worries,

All of them locked in my head,

I’ve been alone with worries,

Along with their each day threat,

I’ve been alone with worries,

Afraid, now I have them in ya bed,

I’ve been alone with worries,

Worrying, they’ll mean my end,

Worrying, they’ll mean our end,


I’ve had to cope with a lot of people,

bout whom now I’d give a fuck not,

I’ve had to cope with a lot of trouble,

the people would give a fuck not.

Now it’s hard for me to believe,

That I could be dealt with the same I feel,

Now it’s hard for me to believe, that casual is,

What casual was not,

Now it’s hard for me to believe,

That now, I got,

Now it’s hard for me, since I’ve been wanting to give,

But given was not.




Should ya think, that for this moment I was waiting,

Should ya think I was getting ready to,

Ya thinking I was getting ready,

Was preparing for it to come,

Getting ready and maybe crying alone,

Maybe crying alone,

When none could see me,

Yes I was waiting,

Yes waiting and hoping,

But for it to come not.

9 názorů

10. 09. 2007
Dát tip
Prapac, ze tak mudrujem:-) To ja fakt nezvyknem. Vela zdaru!

08. 09. 2007
Dát tip
hmmm, sophie dik za upozornenie, mas pravdu, mala tam byt ciarka, aby to malo zmysel taky aky som tomu cel dat... prepisem :)

05. 09. 2007
Dát tip
...pardon, preklep, do starosti. Som zamilovany do starosti.. voila

05. 09. 2007
Dát tip
I am in love with worries = Som zamilovaný so starostí...

31. 08. 2007
Dát tip
Hehe v pohode, šak preto je to v aréne len by som rad počul konkrétne výhrady na štýl a tak, ale šak možno sa dočkám :) I am in love with worries, do not want them to stay... hmm neviem ako by som ti to preložil, niektoé veci mi v slovenčine nejdú, ale skúsim bez toho aby som pokazil zmysel takže voľný preklad - mám lásku, ale som plný obáav, a nechcem aby mi zostali ...

30. 08. 2007
Dát tip
Tak som si to precitala, som si k tomu aj Eryku pustila, aby som sa naladila na podobnu vlnu, precitala som to 2krat, no nie celkom som porozumela, co tym myslis. Napr.: I am in love with worries, do not want them to stay... Vies, je to pekne, ale nic spesl, pre mna teda. Dufam, ze sa nehnevas, normalne nie som taka kriticka:-)

29. 08. 2007
Dát tip
vůbec se mi nechce včil číst anglicky ale písničku sem si našla a líbí se mi... vrátím se :o)

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