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Out of an Airplane Window

03. 02. 2008


An infinite blue sea

of things ahead

with white foamy dreams

scattered along my way.


The density changes

as I swim the air

they take different shapes

but they’re always there…

4 názory

16. 02. 2008
Dát tip
Thanks a lot guys. Especially for the language advice (Norbert_ex) since I am not a native speaker I just don't feel certain things:) However, I still like the 'my way' thing because it really was 'my way' at that moment (at least I felt it was). And the same for 'infinite blue sea' I do realize that it is a bit cliche but I just can't find any better words to describe the majesty of the view. Kaos: what's always there are the dreams... even though they change their shape and density (not destiny:)

03. 02. 2008
Dát tip
Well, I really like it and and appreciate the language :) Then, I am really not sure who or what is always there (perhaps the things from the first quatrian, yeah, I think thats it), I´ll have to think about it again and again.. (but not too long again) :))) And finally, the poem flows really fine, like the air itself and like the air we all swam in. And one big truth is that: "The destiny changes but they are always there." I just like, that´s enough :))) *t*

03. 02. 2008
Dát tip
paaaci, i ked so slovnikom v ruke :) * Len ako som uz vravela, mam slzu na krajicku, ako matka Orszaga Hviezdoslava ked cital basne v madarcine pred nou, ci ako to bolo :))

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