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Jezisove posolstvo Massage of Jesus

15. 11. 2008

Pocas existencie ludskej spolocnosti sa stretavame s vykoristovanim a s myslitelmi ktory v ludskej spolocnosti vidia slabiny. tieto sa nasledne snazia pouzit vo svoj ubohy prospech. Slava,bohatsvo,vply,moc a asi aj sex..?..! Na strane druhej sa tam vytvara priestor pre ''mesenasov'' ,spasitelov naroda. Vznikaju myticke postavi ktore sa katekorizuje medzi zakladne prvky ludskeho vnimania dobra a zla. Anticrist a spasitel. Poslednym velmi silnym takym nejakym katalizatorom zla bol A.Hitler. Na druhej strane ten najsveltejsi z toho svetla je stale ziariaci Jesus ukryzovany. Bush-Luther King... Pryblizme si rozpravu dvoch ludi na moznosti ktore prinasa uvedomenie si tohoto statudu QUO. Poznamka: It is all in english. Sorry guys. Vzniklo 01/06/2007 vo velmi skorych rannych hodinach.Prajem zaujimave citanie.

X a Y stoja rano pri jazere zahalenom hmlou. Slnko ma este daleko aby vyslo,no hmlou sa siriace svetlo krajinu uviedlo do luminiskujuceho neonovo bieleho ziaru. Vyzera to ako velike laboratorium so stromami,kludnou hladinou a kopcami dookola.
x:car is just a machine-the technical progress of the time we live in!
The same way as a carriege was that time (at about 0BC ).

y:I know,but what it means for us?
On the one hand it's a thing that in the modern conception rises your living standarts and material wealth of some kind.
On the other hand what are those things? A car! A thing that requests you to pump money into it in the form of gas.
For this you got to have the oil rafinery working! What is a telephone..?..

x: Wait!Try to look at it from the personal prospective.Will use me as an example for explanation. This device gives me a

possibility to record something extraordinary and to view it later. It opens a new dimension of possibilities.The same way as a

car gives me ''not only'' a faster way of transportation. For example when I fly on a plane I can see how the world underneath

looks like. And this allows me to realize/acces a huge range of informations. And by this matter my mind is getting free..it is

opening.Let say Jesus made his miracles on behalf of that he was able to free his mind (to realize all those things and

informations that most of us first need to see on own eyes to believe,some demand a propper explanation to be able to

understand and most of us will never believe anything what they just simply won't believe.) And when you can free your mind

from all these things (things that cover your sight) I believe you can do whatever you want to do and than it's just a matter of

your imagination where you can go or fly for example.

y: Many positive sides have these things,for example you can save time when you got a car,telephone and so on. But it means

you are getting a more and more effective person. But we where talking about the principals,not about what you can get ''as

your ego'' or me as myself. We we talking about things of a planetary importance or of a common importance. Meanings like

''freedom,nature,ecology and so on. That is about something different.

x: Yes sure but...there was a time we were not alowed even to write! ''Some people'' didn't want thought to be spreading.

y: These ''toys'' are on one hand something what moves you ahead in this society on the the other hand when you think look on

it from the point of view of freedom and so on..these are just things that drag you to the system.

x: But it gives me a freedom by opening of my mind. I can do things,I can find out and make things dude.

y: It doesn't give you freedom!

x: Wait! I can create!

y: It makes you more productive and talentated. Let's say with this kind of device somebody can discover in you a talentated

cammera man.

x: Hmm,but that's what I don't need!
I am looking on it really from the personal point of view. That all these things are givimg a chance to reach up to God. That I

can become a creator...of many things. For example,if I wanted..I could write a book or make a chair.That wasn't possible in

the years of BC and after. There was no comfort like this! For example I can walk into a company and pay them to make my

kind of invention real. A chair or anything,thats something they couldn't do!
Do you realize that freedom?
And what if the system would change. When people really wouldn't need to work. They would become free of work. What is a

huge carry weight. And now that person would spend his live by doing things he likes,he'd be doing thinking alot and learning

more and more.And out of sudden the person is able to create even more things. You're reaching out to the creator,you are

able to create things that the hard working person of the 0BC years when he was harvesting the earth day after day wasn't even

able to imagine. We now have the oportunity to create huge things..even in a person! You are able as a person on behalf of

knowledge you got and the money create  things that are unimaginable for people of that era.

y: Shure,but that will never be!

x:We now can create big things due to our information and possibilities. We can think,we can imagine, find out/explore.

People of that era were not given that chance. They were just doing their best to survive,stay alive another day.
We can create thoughts and things. Thats what we have dude! Thats the progress the evolution. Given to us by revolutionaries

.The foundation were the giants (Jesus in this theme)
And I'm telling you it's moving towards,if nothing bad happens and if we would start now with this, than we can stop all the

bad things that might happen or will happen(in the alternative) propably they will happen..Simply as it is we can give the

freedom to people this way and people can free their minds to that level that they will be able to create unbelievable things.

Like for example George Lucas or like the one who created this. Do you think that this is just so? It wouldn't evolve just so.
And that is the progress. That's where we heading. And even now we are able to create big things!

y: In the first place,this are products that you buy.

x: Sure,but I'm telling you it opens my horizons,moves me forwards,from my personal point it opens my mind.
Even so internet what is a mass medium that ''they'' can control is a thing that opens your horizons. And the software here (in

your head) is upgrading! Theoreticaly we can use more and more of the capacity of our brain.

y: Sure thats possible,but ''they'' still just blind us with all these handy things,inovations and toys that I like very much too.
And ''they'' are just blinding us with all these toys and bounding more and more to the system.

x: Yeah I got this. But don't look at it from the way what it can enslave you. Look at it from this way,the personal point of

view way. What it can give you as to a human being. It can move you forwards.

y: I let my self,in personal life, to blow my mind by these little things/toys especialy by thinking that those are benefitial

things. What they are on the one hand. But than there are the things on the other hand. Like how can these little things help us

to prevent or stop lets say for example global worming? How do they solve it?

x: Well,this is the progress,that evolution. We are getting ahead by the possibility that we can create things. These things then

create us. It fills us up....

y:It gives you possibilities of personal growth and relax,and fun and so on.

x: Exactly.

y: But thats about that you in first place spend money for it. What satisfies the bussinesmen .And the second thing is that you

are given personal growth,relax and so on.

x: Sure.But look at your self as the unit..

y: And thats it then!

x: Thats not it then!
Consider your self as the unit that is enriched. You are simply ''UpgrIaded'' by all of this. It gives you possibilities.

y: You are enriched but nothing has been solved. Because you stayed enriched and the meaning of the thing has been

accomplished. You've paid for it!That's the most important thing and the other important thing is that you are satysfied with

it. It is a high tech in this era. Great. You are a satysfied person so you don't need to thing about shit like global worming or

killing of wales or the equality between people.

x: But I do.I do. I do think about it!

y:But these are the things that pull your attention away from it.

x: I've got these things because they offer me new possibilities.


x: For example you can buy a spacefligh for 100 000$. And it is offered by the people who cooperated in Microsoft with Bill

Gates. They made software without which wouldn't be this camera even possible.And they do sell flights into space.
Imagine you would take that farmer from 0BC era who was working there on a field.And you would fly with him into the

space. You would be a God for him!

y:You say it your self. It's still just about that with the technical progress,with evolution you still get just some pieces of that

progress,that evolution . They let you feel it by means of ,lets say, a flight into space .

x: but it wouldn't be here withot any demand. People ask for it.

y:Simply you got the chance to have the things that make you happy,satysfied. You got the chance to make mone to afford

it,what is  also important. And than just to pay for it. Got it,right?
y: You are still only the operating link,that one that is neccessery/important for those who rule us.For that the system that

they've made is continuing to be prosperous!
x: sure
y: they,you know,give you the chances of personal growth. Like now that flight into the space,or they give you the possibility

of furher education and personal growth like in the companies. Whats for us atractive.For me too.
But we still don't solve,nor them nor you,because they satysfied you
x: I am not satysfied!
y:they get what they need,they got you more efficient,thanx to all of those toys and education.You are more progressive for

them. You make more money for them!
And that's all they need!
y:Nor them and nor you just in that moment doesn't interest,you stay satysfied until ''he'' won't need you to pay for something

new.For a new cammera.And until you won't feel another need of next education.Until then you are satysfied and not even one

is thinking in real that there are,for example,people dieing in Africa.

x:Yep. That's what we're talking about. That the system is set up wrong! And I'm telling you that we as the people now have

the possibility to change it. Because I think the time has come.These things can be changed now.That theres alot of people on

this earth who will understand that massage what Jesus was spreading as well. And when we free people from that hard work..
y: ''they'' won't let you.
x:but i don't mean it now. I don't men it tommorow. Simply it about that we push our limits further. Personaly,every human!
Even just by the flight over the planet. You got the chance to see it!
y:But they won't allow it ever! Because when we would stop to work we people and all work would be done by

machines.That's possible,that's possible even now. From technological point of view we can make it happen our civilization.
But they won't ever allow it because that is a total execution of the capitalistic logic in this world.
y:They need us to work ,to get paid.You won't get money just so,because then it would't have any value so that's why we got to

work even when machines could be doing that for us. But we got to work,to get paid,to spend the money.
y:System is build on it and thats it's basic thing. If we fly in our cars or drive useless wracks this circle is still given.From the


x: Sure. But my meaning is that,the system is fucked up but we still have bigger possibilities...I forgot what I wanted to

say..more fog has fallen.. ;)
Simply when...I don't want to start a new party or smthn. To come to the poles and say all of this. Sure not! We can't change it

like that! Thing is, people got to realize that the possibility is there! People don't know about it, because they don't have that

imagination. People don't know that we got the possibility to switch into a system where we don't have to work that hard. You

got to give them that vision!
Dr. Martin Luther King came with the vision: ''I have a dream'' and that dream he said to the people. And black people are

now are equal to whites.Now they are equal.They rule the USA the same way as whites do. Simply by that somebody came

and gave them that vision!!! This is the vision we're talking here about!

y: well,yeh.That yes! I agree with this. That went good. It has come out real!

x:But thats what Jesus did as well.
and they died,both were killed.
y:He was killed but what it has happen. What he said,what he wanted,what he came up with had a real effect.Black people did

get equal citizens.

x:But wait! Take Jesus and his massage in that way,that thanx to the massage of him we now got the chance to think about this

y:thats not enough
x: Even to Luther King did the change take more than 50 years (and there was tv that time;)) after his death.
y:but where is Jesus?
x:he didn't change it out of sudden.People started to make demonstrations.
y:Jesus is dead thousands of years !
[and this is the point of mine:Jesus is not dead!!!Until there are people thinking in his massage there is a place for him to be

reborn-what ever does this word mean to you,it is not imposible.Every one of us is a possible Jesus.Thats what he was telling

all the time. I am the same as you!!! Sheperds!Stupid sheeps!Anyway]
He's away and still nothing. Got it?

x: there was slavery and unequality until M.L.King came with his idea. And that idea was so amazing that even white people

joint the demonstrations.
y:sure ,and it changed in real. And thats exactly what we want.Got it? A real effect to take place!
x:Yes,sure. But it took time!And it's still not finished. There is still prejudice and rasizm.Rasizm will dissapear(hopefully!) in

about 50-100 years.

y:But to save som kind of environmental balance of this planet and esspecialy those who got the tools for it,those who rule

us,you don't need mileniums! They can star changing it now! But that doesn't fit into the plan they got. It doesn't fit into their

bussines plan.

x:shure.But the same thing was with the black people. They didn't need them to have rights to vote.

y:No they needed them! And thats why it did fit and did get succesfull.

x:but they didn't need them to vote!

y:That's why M.L.Kings massage had a stright effect
x:the threat was that black people will get to power,to get into the parliament,they start to study,to be intelectual.
y:that doesn't matter because at first place it is for the ruling people in the USA efficient. They all realized that there's alot of

black people and the decission to give them rights won't harm the white people. But in the first place we will gain alot of

productive work force.Producing and paying taxes and they gonna vote for us.
x:they have been working before for money. The ''trouble'' about that freedom was the the black people gained the possibility

to study. And ''they'' had to realize that these people are going to get educated and infiltrate into the parliament so as it is now.
y:they gonna work and spend their money,they gonna vote for us
x:OK. They worked and had money before.
y: no they were slaves,they didn't have anything
x:but I'm talking about M.L.King this happened in the past century.They did work for money already,they just didn't have

rights and couldn't vote!They couldn't get on the same busses with whites and things like that.
Simply when those people wouldn't get the information from Dr.L.King taht this can be here real. That ''I have a dream'',I

dream how to do it otherway. So without King this movement maybe woldn't come,maybe wold come later. Alot later.

2 názory

16. 11. 2008
Dát tip
aj by som sa zmotal ale dlhe je..

15. 11. 2008
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kks sme dali po sebe dielo:)) ocuj co si xcel?

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