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The Predictive Value of Fortune Cookies

19. 02. 2016

Budu dopisovat - už se to nedá vložit na jiný datum? 



Once on a business trip to Prague, our  Scandinavian Vice-president found out that doctors in hospitals  recognize me and what’s more they recognize my essays written in Czech. At one point my short articles were everywhere. I had column in one national medical paper, articles  on internet, I was chief editor of one not very serious journal, they were reading my works on radio and on TV. One of my stories was listed as a spam and it was read during summer demonstration in 2005 against our government after police forces clashed with students. I make fun out of everything, but I am probably still not on Jeremy Clarkson ´s level. We also discussed movie script from my short stories with friend of mine who is a film director and… I had a fan club.  Well, I am not sure if all 3 members of my  fan club from poultry farm near Prague are still alive at this moment.  This little discovery has totally paralyzed my line management back in the office. What if  I make fun out of them. Humor! And trust me, that company was a great source of learning moments which are worth not to be repeated. When I was leaving my job, I got additional paragraph into my exit contract saying that I should pay 50,000 Swiss Francs, if I write and publish anything about the company. Anyways, my lawyers think that it is ok now. So here I am.  And 50 thousand shades of Swiss Franc is a great promise that I might know something interesting. Back in the good old Czech Republic this is a small fortune and you can let me disappear from the surface of this planet at least 4 times for that amount. The biggest epiphany in this area was not discovered by me, but the tribute should go to John Kennedy and his Confederacy of Dunces. The corporate word is less evil than perceived from outside. 

4 názory

23. 02. 2016
Dát tip

diky, uz jsem to opravil :-) 

20. 02. 2016
Dát tip

Toho bude asi víc a chtěl jsem potěšít Písmáky :), ale psát česky je koníček... 

20. 02. 2016
Dát tip

Nebylo by lepší to frcnou někam, kde jsou ve větším počtu pokud možno rodilí mluvčí?

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