Československá literární komunita
Tak jako generace autorů před vámi, publikujte svoji psanou tvorbu. Podělte se o svoje názory a sbírejte zpětnou vazbu na svoje díla. Inspirujte se a učte od nejlepších.
Přidejte seDopis presidentovi USA
angličtinářům se omlouvám, gramatika není moje silná stránka
To: Mr. George W. Bush
White House, Washington D.C.
Subject: Know the poetry from your ally!
Dear Mr. Bush,
greetings from the Czech republic! Do you know where the Czech republic is? It´s a small country in a middle of Europe. We´re in NATO too, do you remember?
You see, we´re a cultural nation. A lot of people wrote the poetry. I find one who is about you, Mr. Bush. It´s from a I-net server www.pismak.cz ("pismak" is something about "scribbler"), and the name of author is Saddam Hussein. But it´s not true Saddam, it´s a fake name. Funny, isn´t it?
So there Saddam´s poetry is. Have a good laugh!
George Bush is an aberrant queer
He fucked his mother
fucked his father
fucked his grandma
fucked his grandpa
fucked his brother
fucked his sister
fucked his uncle
fucked his aunty
even fucked his daughter
fucked all the government
and all of the congressmans
He fucked a hundred of dogs
and cats
and pigs
and cows
and sheeps
and goats
and the other animals
He fucked all the american Jews
all the faggots
He fuck a dead bodies on the New York cemetery
Fuck a soldiers who died in a Iraq war
with a coffin wraped in an american flag
American faggots aren´t enough for him
so he goes for fuck to the foreign countries
who fucked his mother
nine months before his birth
his uncle or his grandpa obviously
from the mother´s side
His intelligence suggested it.
Yours sincerelly
DJ Fart
Czech Republic