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me and my frankenstein

09. 08. 2003

me and my doctor frankenstein


the sun is above us

so why

do i shelter

look for darkness

my mind followed

by billions of thoughts

never be the same

how do i know

that my right is true

and not means yes

when in the very east

right is actually left

how do you tell


your feelings?

i`ll never be the same

every second is trying

to make me another person

why do i still believe in dreams

miracles and fairy tales

they never come true

who blows up my mind

and how

i want to know the answers

but have only one question

how does it equal thousands of unknowns

do i only think

or am i real???


22. 05. 2005
Dát tip
na konci by otazník stačil bohatě jeden, ty tři vypadají nevyzrále

22. 05. 2005
Dát tip
proc nevyzrale?? tak to nechapem....

22. 05. 2005
Dát tip
jak bych to řekla...já nevím, prostě mi to připomíná takové ty čtrnáctileté slečny, co píši básně typu: ten den zlý byl protože jsi mi ublížil!!!!!! proč?!?!? a tak...vypadá to potom prostě...eaa:)).

22. 05. 2005
Dát tip
mas zaujimave asociacie... ;-) a co tie dva otazniky za nevyzrale ?? ;-) hih.. v zivote by ma nenapadlo, ze to niekto moze tak zobrat, ale kazdy to chapeme nejak.. ;-)))) (co styri smiliky?? ) :-)

03. 04. 2004
Dát tip
the plural in the answers is deliberate, it should imply that I want to know ALL the ANSWERS on all the questions possible in the world, but on the other hand there is only one basic and important questiuon to me, that really matters.....

01. 10. 2003
Dát tip
It would be too easy for us to live if had never changed.... dont you think?

11. 08. 2003
Dát tip
I like to say something deep but my english is very poor! :-) How is it possible to want to know answerS (plural! ) with only one question? :-) (*)

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