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Přidejte seBrown sugar
15. 10. 2003
Frank: What?
Thomas: Have you ever thought of being brown sugar?
Frank: I heard what you said, just wasn’t sure if I heard correctly.
Don’t fuck with me today. Please.
Thomas: No, I’m serious, have you ever noticed that people like brown sugar?
Frank: Yeah, oh fuck yeah and they like sex and doughnuts and lots of shit…Christ Tom
Thomas: No, no I don’t mean like, but LIKE. They handle brown sugar a lot more … with love.
Frank: Oh my GOD!!! Did you like do sexual shit with brown sugar or something?
Thomas: Brown sugar melts on your tongue like a rose in the morning dew.
Frank: Shit you did do sexual stuff with brown sugar. Uuuugh.
Thomas: The warm taste and the care people put into brown sugar.
Frank: You ain’t normal Tom, It just ain’t straight to french kiss brown sugar. I ain’t smart, but I know this for God damn sure.
Thomas: There’s just something romantic in it.
Frank: You’re a fucknut Tom, why the hell do I keep up with you?
Thomas: There’s something romantic about putting brown sugar in your coffee.
Frank (to himself, looking upwards): He’s not listening again. Jesus why do you punish me? It’s a simple question. Can you answer that please? Oh, you want me to beg. Please pretty fuckin’ please. Oh you want me to get on my knees, God damn it Jesus. (Frank raises his voice, near yelling) So, I’m on my fuckin’ knees I feel like a retard, that’s OK, but can you tell me – please, pretty please, pretty FUCKIN’ please – why the hell did you send this guy to make a livin’ hell out of my GOD DAMN LOUSY MISERABLE LIFE?!? HUH, HUH, HUH?
Thomas: Frank, sometimes you trouble me, can I bring you a glass of water my dear friend?