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22. 04. 2004

Jen pro angličtináře...:-)))

     Once I was near your hand, but it wasn´t like yesterday.

     You weren´t  so lovely, your soul was in another space

     I asked " what happened" but you didn´t want  to tell me

     it wasn ´t my best friend I loved


    The next day I was walking and thinking about, but I can´t go on

    and at this time I saw you with  an unknow girl near that wall

    you touched her as me the day before this week

    and I have already known why you was too quiet


    shut up! I want  to tell you the all my sense


     Inside there was a big pain. How did you can do it to me?

     You know I´ve put my trust in you

     But you gave it into the this girl

     I hate you, you don´t see?


    Why do I cry for you? Why do you see it? Why cannot I   hide this tears?

    I must improve it. I show you how you´re not already important.

    In my flat there is a sea of this one.

    Don ´t return, your things never change it! Leave! Leave!

    I´m going to forget.


   So she was your sister, So why are you kiss her?

   Don´t look at me! No


    you did me the big torments and you can´t  change it now.

I don´t know what I should do, but i know you won ´t help me anymore    you send me any things and U think I return, but it isn´t the way

                                     it was before

    go out! I don´t want see you for the next day

    You´ll see how I hate you. So much more.

    Why did you do  it to me? why did you do to me any awful thing?


   Leave and don ´t return for the next day!

12. 06. 2004
Dát tip
tears,tears,tears slzy,slzy,slzy docela ujde!!!!!!!!!

12. 06. 2004
Dát tip
och! ucim sa anglictinu ale.....

12. 06. 2004
Dát tip
Já anglicky moc neumím,ale není to špatné!

10. 05. 2004
Dát tip
kecy kecy kecy... /sorry, ale dneska je to několikátá "píseň" a začínám se nad těma anglickýma kouskama docela dost bavit :D/

23. 04. 2004
Dát tip
Měla jsem špatnej den. Já to beru, říká mi to tak nějak, v čem se ještě musím zdokonalit.

23. 04. 2004
Dát tip
Něco přeložím, ale anglicky bohužel moc neumím, takže sorry, nemůžu dílko ohodnotit. Dej sem český překlad.

22. 04. 2004
Dát tip
Sorry, bejku, ale ta angličtina je dost zoufalá, nemyslíš?

Why donˇt I can this tears? co si tym myslela? nevjem ako si to prelozit.. :)

22. 04. 2004
Dát tip
souhlaste si s čím chcete, je mi to u .....

22. 04. 2004
Dát tip
Proč ale potom chceš hlubší kritiku, když ji nesneseš?

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