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I wish

22. 10. 2005

toto dílko je koncipováno jako přání k narozeninám..... ...pěkných pár dní jsem přemýšlela, co napsat, až jsem se probudila dneska ve 3 ráno s hotovou věcí v hlavě :o)...snad neurazí..

I wish I saw the sunshine

walking through your days

following every step of you

to each challenge you face


I wish I felt the music

burning in your heart

even then when destiny

just does not play your card


I wish I knew you´re smiling

which means you don´t forget

you shouldn´t let the worries

make you somehow sad


I wish I were there to tell you:

"I hope I will always stay

somebody you can lean on

in every single way...."


Lean on me....

05. 01. 2006
Dát tip
_nemo_: o tom vím...ale nevycházel mi rytmus :o)

05. 01. 2006
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Tinúviell: I ty jedna ;-) !

04. 01. 2006
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Hezký, i když jsou tam chyby (v časové souslednosti ve třetí sloce). * Btw, Nightwish foreveeeeer!... (Wish I Had An Angel patří kmým nejoblíbenějším :) )

I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel Your Virgin Mary undone I`m in love with my lust Burning angelwings to dust I wish I had your angel tonight Deep into a dying day I took a step outside an innocent heart Prepare to hate me fall when I may This night will hurt you like never before Old loves they die hard Old lies they die harder I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel Your Virgin Mary undone I`m in love with my lust Burning angelwings to dust I wish I had your angel tonight I`m going down so frail `n cruel Drunken disguise changes all the rules Old loves they die hard Old lies they die harder I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel Your Virgin Mary undone I`m in love with my lust Burning angelwings to dust I wish I had your angel tonight Greatest thrill Not to kill But to have the prize of the night Hypocrite Wannabe friend 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing! Last dance, first kiss Your touch my bliss Beauty always comes with dark thoughts I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel Your Virgin Mary undone I`m in love with my lust Burning angelwings to dust I wish I had your angel tonight Nightwish; I Wish I Had An Angel

22. 10. 2005
Dát tip
Pocity které popisuješ v prologu dobře znám, jinak k básni - nemůžu říct, že úplně všemu rozumím, ale působí to na mě dobře :-) A teď trochu odbočka: (kapela) Nightwish = 1

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