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I`ll never more be scared!!

08. 01. 2006

7. januára 2006 19:26 Preložila som si jednu svoju báseň do angličtiny a prišla som na to že sa rýmuje.. :)) od básne: Už sa viac nebudem báť..

You have mans` lips with a woman`s kiss,

eyes so tender in your day dreams

with a mixture of mysterious, odd fragrances..


You have a mind and hands of artist,

which want to discover world because of palm`s grip

in a dumb listening to plant a friendship

and watch how its flowers flourish.


You have an angel`s soul with broken wings..

You have light steps with a dynamic rhythm

not understanding world behind your heels.


You have a support in me..


You can be jealous,

but let him be!

08. 01. 2006
Dát tip
Hm, nemelo by se to jmenovat spis "...scared" nebo aspon "...scarred"?

08. 01. 2006
Dát tip
ups preklep dakujem :)

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