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The thing I hate

16. 01. 2006

Neviem ci je najlepsie to oznacovat ako poeziu s viazanymi versami, ale na text piesne sa to podla mna az tak nehodi...No nic...

The thing I hate

There’s no choice for me, nothing to do

I pack my things and just pull through

Just like you all, I don’t like the road

Leave all behind, and carry the load

The sun makes it a lot easier to accept

If it were cold, then I would be mad

Sooner, than later, guess what kicks in?

Exactly, it’s the boredom’s ugly grin

I’m already back, much time to spare

Getting to bed, is an afternoon fare

You read, you think, you lay around

You really try not to seem down

The green pack is here and so is hope

That this afternoon still can be dope

Visit the kitchen, then go to bed

Witness the silence, nothing is said

It’s calm and quiet and I go to sleep

And this is the kind, you can call deep

Your eyes open, you’re happy it’s black

However the clocks quickly put you on track

It’s like this three times too many

The fourth time is here and I’m just about ready.


16. 06. 2006
Dát tip
hm, okresat, opravit, ucesat, zhudobnit a potom uz len spievat:-) nie je to take zle...:)

nevadí...aj zajtra je deň :-) (vtípek)

jááááj o takomto čase sa mi to nechce prekladať.no nič..:)

18. 01. 2006
Dát tip
pěkné že en, ale nedočet

já bych z toho teda text písně klidně udělala :) *

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