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16. 01. 2006



Hours are passing one at a time

Quicker or faster – still no crime

The moon is growing tired and the lights are still on

With every hour mind slowly stops going on

It’s over for now, another day was lost

The next is the same, and it scares you the most

Slowly the body is put to rest

The sleep will be there, but not the best



They can be long, they can be short

Your eyes will still end up covered in blood

You might not like it, but there is no power

That can stop or alter the direction of hours


The night is over another day has come

The mind is really tired and the face is numb

The night’s sleep wasn’t enough by even a stretch

But you have to be fresh – see, that’s the catch

The sound of water and the sound of a brush

At least one thing’ll be fresh, now that’s a rush

The body gets tired few hours too soon

It already rests, but you can’t see the moon


They can be long, they can be short

Your eyes will still end up covered in blood

You might not like it, but there is no power

That can stop or alter the direction of hours


diky...ako sa hovori - "kolko ludi, tolko chuti"...:-)

22. 01. 2006
Dát tip
Tu se přidám (na rozdíl od Restartu - vulgarizmy nemám rád).

já si nemůžu pomoct, ale ty melodie mi z tvejch textů vyvstávaj samy :) tip

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