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Přidejte seAmerická párty, aneb paradoxy vnímání
17. 10. 2000
An evening comes, and with its trembling might
It loads the skies - to bring weak birds' repose…
Yet somewhere low, the clouded candlelight,
Winking at guests, across the room now goes.
Air filled with words and candle's heavenly scent,
The music, skillful painter, draws them all -
And dancers seem to be omnipotent….
Since everyone is happy - "What a ball!"
Despite the roar, some thoughts remain unsaid;
Their weight, uncertain, still holding them down…
'Tis late. The light of candle spins my head…..
What "thoughts" were they? A verb - without its noun…
My thanks, dear candle, for your light last eve.
Like bird it's nested, and shall never leave.
1 názor
24. 07. 2008Konstantinidisová
04. 03. 2002
Good, I wonder if I am able to write such a piece in English. Rhyming, oh my gods, and in English... that's out my abilities.
I must agree with Miracleion, that English is not, eh, common lang here. I have hed here also two pieces in English and one in German with a little or no success...
Oppo to Miracleion, I like the "What 'thoughts' were they? A verb - without its noun…" verse. It makes sense to me...
Thanks, nice reading.
nesnáším párty, ale neumím angl. tak abych si to přeložil, takže mi to nevadí ;-))
Air filled with silence and candlelight nested in our eyes... it's my party...
Lituju, ale ne všemu jsem rozumněla... příště si s sebou vezmu slovník :o)
18. 10. 2000
Mrzí mě, mrzí, že do nás komouši hustili jiný jazyk než ten anglický, a mrzí mě ještě víc, že jsme se proti tomu nevzbouřili dřív...
No tak jo!!! Jako zpraskana se stydim a jdu plakat do zdi...neumim anglicky..(((((