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Ordinary Thought

23. 08. 2001


                        Ordinary Thought

                        Every morning when the new day's odour I can smell

                        and the merry songs the birds outside start to spell

                        sunshine creeping in and filling my sleepy room

                        I open my eyes and try to zoom -

                        at the window, at the plants standing on the window - sill

                        and suddenly feel that all is so peaceful and so still

                        I wonder when I stop noticing those ordinary things

                        and also give up on believing that we all have the wings

                        that bring us from time to time to the distant lands

                        and let us touch and feel the others' hearts and hands,

                        getting hot and burning from inside out and more,

                        crashing the constraints down, loosing self-control...

                        then we cannot predict, apprehend or say

                        what we are heading to, following the way

                        that lies ahead of us and calls and calls, calls with the passion

                        and not to obey its calling would be such aggression

                        so we follow

                        get high and maybe fall

                        but we all know that we have to listen to our inner voice

                        there is no doubt, there is no choice..........

                        Along that path let the Sun convoy us

                        and then brighting up the days afterwards - oh yes, let it rise!

06. 09. 2001
Dát tip
plants standing on the window pane? :-))))

28. 08. 2001
Dát tip
I am so glad someone could read it :-) Thank you.

25. 08. 2001
Dát tip
Whether the comments are sad or merry, I find this highly EXTRAordinary! *

23. 08. 2001
Dát tip
zapomen ze tomu rozumiem.....aj ked...chcela by som

23. 08. 2001
Dát tip
jo...připomněla jsi mi chvíle, kdy jsem ještě anglicky obstojně uměl...je to dobré, moc se mi to líbí, tak nějak zvláštně to na mne dýchlo...!*

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