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02. 12. 2010

jen volný překlad předchozího díla



into the Wailing wall

is her name and his palm

into a loving arm altering their glow

the shade of a lonesome arbour

become their felicitous Elysium

only the gentle chants

can bring the soul to life

to blossom on the open sea

trimmed of all the false charm and finery

feeling like a cheery fool struck by the bliss

and only in his soul engraved

is the token of his fervency

and inner flame

that later covered in silence

surviving yesterdays

and forgetting all of tomorrows

then her fine features he engraves

into the texture of his mind

while the flakes of time

and the crystals of dishonoured desires

blind the heart-beat trail

or perhaps their disproportional fate

his stony sentiment

set and hidden from the peoples' gaze

glancing behind the invisible scenes

comforted by the Sirene's song

crippled by the tones

and only himself shall be his glass of wine


forever stay cradled in marble arms

9 názorů

11. 12. 2010
Dát tip

04. 12. 2010
Dát tip
o diky za duveru :), uz jsi ji v cestine cet viz http://www.pismak.cz/index.php?data=read&id=369968 :), je to jen volny preklad neb doslovny nelze vzdycky

02. 12. 2010
Dát tip
TO36 radeji ne, zase mi tam najdes nejakou chybu...:)

02. 12. 2010
Dát tip
je to jen volny preklad te moji predchozi, ktera je v cestine :), kazdopadne dekuji za zastaveni

Já také ne, zvlášť ne v básních, proto nemohu hodnotit, nerozumím. Ale na druhou stranu překládat básně je dost složité, asi si od Tebe přečtu něco v češtině.

..jaj..anglicky já se nechytám..:)

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