že vraj kritik, povie sa,
nevidí zaň nikto, kdesi.
kdesi v kútku potichučky
hovie, bez pohybu smrdí.
Na kopci vysokom stojí zámok zakliaty,
je celý zo striebra a zlatom poliaty.
K nemu most z ľudských duší zbitý,
od neho priesmyk šedým lesom krytý.
Bariéry, domy, vlečú sa stromy,
krajinou k potoku, našiel som hlásku.
nahotou po byte, krvavo vyryté,
v porcelán premení zviera na vrásku
She Death
She was so close, I was
Hidden inside of me with fear
Reflecting my other mind´s side
Trying to cover with leaves of
Pre Maťu
Keď svit mesiaca pretne temnú oblohu,
keď na tvoju tvár padne svetlo hviezd,
v duchu poďakujem sa pánu Bohu,
že na rukách dovolil mi ťa niesť.
Lásku, tú poriadnu, som spoznal len nedávno,
neviem, či náhoda, šťastie, a či Boh, že práve s tebou,
isté je, že túžim spojiť tvoju s mojou perou,
a že moje srdce v prospech tvojho prepadlo.
Now its that time when I wait in the night
for a rainbow with the light
Now its the time when people love to die
and jump after their fight
Emergency call
Falling from the wall, she´s broken in her core
calling on surface, better than secured
spill your last blood into the teardrops flood
hear the dry out chemistry, of the poor and bad
Beauty in nightmare
Wanish in morning, all night sleeps with me,
the beauty in nightmare, I'm not able to see.
burning and biting my brain and my bones,
leaving my dreams in black and white tones.
Guitplaying spree
to live without regress, not in house of pain,
basic satisfaction is the music with high gain,
other people, other world as many insanes,
to quench the thirst with hellsbells rain