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She's the one

03. 02. 2006


We saw her heading down the street as only she can.

Her neck was red from the sun on any given day’s end.


She made our heads turn like flipped coins.

We felt a funny feeling in our groins.

It wasn’t very easy to let her leave.

We had a couple tricks up our sleeve.


She’s the one you would like to have.

She’s the one who about you doesn’t care.

She’s the one in your dreams at night.

She’s the one – nobody can’t deny.


She said she didn’t mind to have a conversation.

We all tried to make an impression with our education.


She quickly blew us off – one by one.

Quicker than we started, we were done.

We all watched her go – unable to speak.

She didn’t even give us one kiss on the cheek.


She’s the one you would like to have.

She’s the one who about you doesn’t care.

She’s the one in your dreams at night.

She’s the one – nobody can’t deny.


She disappeared into thin air never to be seen again.

That didn’t stop us from thinking “I’m gonna be her man”.


I wonder why she left without a word?

I thought we were funny – she was bored.

We were not in her league – far from that.

I still see her face, when I lay in bed.


She’s the one you would like to have.

She’s the one who about you doesn’t care.

She’s the one in your dreams at night.

She’s the one – nobody can’t deny.



5 názorů

:-) dik.

19. 01. 2007
Dát tip
Škoda, že nežiješ v Americe, mohl by to být dobrý HIT*

14. 01. 2007
Dát tip
tak to potom jo :)

Nothing. oddychovka.

13. 01. 2007
Dát tip
po přečtení textu mě napadlo jediné: So what?!?

07. 02. 2006
Dát tip
ok, but it´s no use to do it, in my oppinion... czech it out or better slovak it out!

what the hell, už zase se mi v hlavě vynořila melodie :) tip

:-) dik...to uz je pomaly tradicia...:-)

a little late, but still - i get it now. :-) but i think there are enough people here that understand english...well, more than italian at least :-)

05. 02. 2006
Dát tip
ja sa na to mozem vy...., samy rym az to do oci picha a nikto si to nevsimne? ci anglicka basen sa moze aj rymovat? no pekne, inak v poho a netvrd ze to nie je o babe....

ty si srandista - to je pesnicka, nie basen...a je to o babe, ale nie o konkretnej, skratka len tak, aby to bolo take rezke a vesele...

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
Quicker than we started, we were done - yuo are young - good

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
non aprime la finestra per ventilare :-)

dik vsetkym za prispevky... Whitesnake: mozes prelozit prosim ta? :-) jagara: tram ta raraááá ty ko**t. - tak ten vtip končí u nás.

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
...hned jak přeložíš ty :-))

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
...´twas only jokin´ similar to you english thing throwed into the czech web. I put in reverse one excerpt from once famous train attentions (italian) so to explain... that my input is in this case so important and dramatic as your (foreign language) piece. Get it?

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
don't worry, be happy - she's serial killer, if you don't know. better 4 U she disappeared ;-)

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
na cleny nehledme!

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
mne sa to pacilo :)) dajme si velke L na celo a podme si to zaspievat :)) fakt dobree - tip

ale to je vesela pesnicka...ziadne L...W tam patri na to celo

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
ale sak hej, ja som si to tak predstavoval, ako si to veselo spievame na drazdiaku a je nam jedno, kto sa na nas pozera ;)

jaaaj...tak to už hej...ale viem ako by to dopadlo - vy by ste zdrhli a ja by som dostal cez hubu...

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
taka idylka :))) my zdrhame v pozadi... spomaleny zaber... ty dostavas.. a pista stale spieva :))

z toho by normalne mohol byt videoklip...

03. 02. 2006
Dát tip
chem.... většinu sem pobrala, ale to mi něak nestačí na pořádnej úsudek....:))

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